The political nature of the ultimate aim of European integration as shaped by the EC and EU treaties finds its legal expression in the concept of European citizenship and in the provisions of primary law relating to the values of the Union, which are emphasised in Article 2 TEU and further developed especially in the Charter of fundamental rights. Respecting those values is a requirement to member states and EU institutions for which specific procedures are established that are complimented by the system of judicial review of the EU. EU citizenship entails, in the first place, protection against discrimination as well as freedom of movement and of residence in all EU member states. A fundamental value of the EU, as a commonwealth of sovereign states, which the institutions and member states in the 2010s have increasingly found challenging, is mutual confidence that CJEU, European Council, Council and Commission keep calling upon.
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EUR-Lex—Access to European Union Law, Gives access in the 24 official languages of the EU to the treaties (including former versions of the Lisbon treaty); EU international agreements; secondary law (including “consolidated texts”) which result from the integration in a legal act of its successive amendments and corrigenda; preparatory documents; EFTA documents; summaries of EU legislation by topics and transposition acts in national law; EU and national case law.
Curia, The CJEU’s website gives access to the judgments, rulings and opinions of the Court, General Court and Civil Service Tribunal in all of the language versions in which they have been published. The entire collection of Case Reports since 1954 has been digitised and this website offers searching by words included in the text. A link to “case information” gives a list of relevant academic writings.
European Parliament, The EP’s website gives access to ongoing and past documents on EP resolutions, reports and legislative procedures in the 24 official languages, as well as videos and live streaming of committee and plenary meetings.
Consilium, The website of the European Council and Council of the EU gives access to preparatory and final documents of the Councils and IGCs, as well as live streaming of Council meetings’ decisions on legislative acts.
European Commission, The website of the Commission gives information, including preparatory “COM”, White Papers and Green Papers on a sectoral policy basis.
Europa, The EU’s official portal gives links to the websites of EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, as well as general information on the EU.
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